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Rav Mordechai Elon
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Subject of the Shiur: From Mt. Sinai to Kivrot HaTa'ava
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This Shiur was given at Bar Ilan
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This Shiur was given at Yeshivat HaKotel
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Subject of the Shiur: For the exertion of them both makes sin forgotten - Part 2. The sin of the spies and its rectificati
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Subject of the Shiur: Sorrow for Generations- The Sin of the Spies and Tisha B'Av
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Subject of the Shiur: The Scarlet Thread- for the Parsha and Haftora
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Subject of the Shiur: The Mount and Seven Blessings
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Subject of the Shiur: The Olim
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Subject of the Shiur: The Sin of the Spies
This Shiur was given in Yeshurun
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Subject of the Shiur: The Three Strand Thread- Pirkei Avot II, Five Students
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Subject of the Shiur: Rebbe Zaddok
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Subject of the Shiur: Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa
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This Shiur was given in Beit Knesset Gvurat Mordechai
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Subject of the Shiur: A Different Spirit
This Shiur was given in Jerusalem
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Subject of the Shiur: A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey
This Shiur was given in Bar Ilan
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Subject of the Shiur: The Land is Very Good
This Shiur was given in Yeshurun
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