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Subject of the Shiur: What is the Difference between the Torah of Eretz Yisrael and the Torah of Chutz La'Aretz?
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Subject of the Shiur: And May Our Eyes See
There was no shiur at Yeshurun this week.

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Subject of the Shiur: For the Exertion of Them Both Makes Sin Forgotten
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Subject of the Shiur: For the exertion of them both makes sin forgotten - Part 2. The sin of the spies and its rectificati
This Shiur was given in Jerusalem
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Subject of the Shiur: The Last Tana
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Subject of the Shiur: Hidden Torah- Chapter 1 Pirkei Avot- Five Students
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Subject of the Shiur: And All Your Deeds Will Be To Glorify God's Name- Pirkei Avot 3
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Subject of the Shiur: The Overflowing Stream- Chapter 5 Pirkei Avot- Five Students
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Subject of the Shiur: The Three Strand Thread- Pirkei Avot II, Five Students
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Subject of the Shiur: Awe of Sin- Pirkei Avot Chapter 4- Five Students
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Subject of the Shiur: Father of Wisdom and Father of Generations
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Subject of the Shiur: A Teacher in Israel
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Subject of the Shiur: Rebbe Zaddok
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Subject of the Shiur: The Truth will Light its Way
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Subject of the Shiur: Moshe Received the Torah at Sinai
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Subject of the Shiur: He Peaked in and Died
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Subject of the Shiur: Rabbi Akiva and His Torah
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Subject of the Shiur: Tell Me the Verse You Learned
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Subject of the Shiur: The Four that Entered into the Pardes
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Subject of the Shiur: For the Concluding of Pirkei Avot
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Subject of the Shiur: Young Shmuel
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Subject of the Shiur: Young Shmuel
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Subject of the Shiur: Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa
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